Roof trusses are structural frameworks designed to support a roof. They are typically made up of a series of interconnected triangles, which distribute weight evenly across the structure and provide stability and strength to the roof. Trusses are often made of wood, steel, or aluminum and are fabricated off-site before being transported to the building site for installation.

Roof trusses are widely used in modern construction due to their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and versatility. They can be designed to fit a variety of building types and roof shapes, including flat, gable, hip, and mansard roofs. Roof trusses can be prefabricated to meet specific design requirements, making them ideal for use in both residential and commercial buildings.

As roof structures are becoming increasingly complex, housebuilders are looking to major roof truss manufacturers, such as ATE, to offer expertise and cost-effective solutions. ATE works with many of the leading housebuilders and construction companies.

ATE Trusses

If you're looking for high-quality roof trusses in Ireland, look no further than our expert team. We are a leading manufacturer of roof trusses for a variety of building projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Our roof trusses are designed and engineered using the latest technology and the highest-quality materials to ensure maximum strength, durability, and efficiency. We work closely with our clients to provide expert solutions that meet their unique needs and specifications


ATE Delivers best

ATE Trussed Rafter Roofs Can Benefit You In Many Ways:

  • Speed of installation: Roof trusses are pre-manufactured off-site and can be quickly installed on-site.

  • Cost-effective: Since roof trusses are pre-manufactured, they require less on-site labor, reducing construction costs.

  • Greater design flexibility: Roof trusses can be designed to accommodate a wide range of building designs and roof configurations.

  • Durability: Roof trusses are engineered to withstand high loads and provide long-lasting support for the roof.


Whether you're building a new home or a commercial building, we have the expertise and experience to deliver the perfect solution for your roofing needs. ATE’s team is happy to advise you on the best timber engineering solution to suit your specific needs.

Utilizing the latest technology & software, we are able to design roof structures and roof trusses to meet the most exacting project specifications.

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Trussed Rafter Roof Installation Process

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